Beautiful Invasive

Oxalis pes-caprae, or “sour grass” as we called it growing up. Indeed, the stalk, filled with oxalic acid, is sour. I loved chewing on them as a kid. (That may explain a few things.)

This beautiful plant, which cheerfully consumes great swaths of my yard each year, provides me with near-endless, strenuous, highly cathartic, slow-form, low-impact aerobics, as I try in vain to remove it from my yard. (“Low-impact” here refers to the effectiveness of my eradication efforts.)

This yet-to-flower specimen was growing so beautifully out the side of this rotting old piece of birch tree that I couldn’t bring myself to pluck it from its hold.

Sacramento, California, USA, 2024.

  • Print # 1
  • Price $300
  • Max Size 9" X 8.4" (22.9 cm X 21.3 cm)